Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Then there were some emails....

10/22/13 to readypethome@gmail.com
I was wondering if I could get more info about Jenny please.
Is she currently being fostered with a cat? I have a cat here and she is a huge concern of ours.
Is she fully housebroken?
Also, is she able to stay alone uncrated during the day without separation anxiety? I am a teacher and work during the day (my husband is home most days, but since he works nights he is asleep during the day.)
Thank you for your help! If you have any adoption events please let me know!



On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Ready Pet <readypethome@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Debbie!

Thanks for contacting us about sweet Jenny. She is an absolute angel. She is currently not being fostered with a cat, though the first week we got her she did stay in a house with a cat, and she completely ignored it .She is now being fostered by a single woman with no other animals, ho works during the day, and Jenny does fine. She is alone in the house and doesn't whine or howl, and she hasn't had any accidents! Potty training and separation anxiety are never issues we guarantee one way or the other however, because each time a dog is moved to a new environment, their psyche undergoes a change and they could manifest that in a number of ways. However, I can say that currently she is housebroken and well adjusted! Her mom does walk her twice a day at least and I'm not sure what her hours out of the house are. 

She isn't a huge barker, this is going to depend on where she is during the day, if there is a window with people going by she may bark. In general she is very sweet, very docile and quiet. She does love to play though, and her foster mom takes her to the dog park a lot, which she loves. 

If you'd like to set up a meet and greet with Jenny at your house, the next step would be to fill out our adoption application on our website. www.readypet.org/adopt

after we receive it, I will contact you to schedule a meeting! 
Jenny is a doll, you'll love her. 

Rebekah Brandes

Hi again, I sent your questions to Jenny's foster mom and here is what she said:

Hi there!
I am happy to elaborate on your answers. Jenny has really come out of her shell in the past few days and is a lot more active, expressive (mostly at the dog park), and excited about everything. She is not a loud girl at all, I see her day in and day out, and she runs around the apartment when excited but have only heard her bark at the dog park (mostly when other dogs bark at her). She stays home alone right now and have not had any accidents. I do make sure I take her out first thing in the morning and as soon as I get back from work. I also keep her on a schedule for food, that seems to be helping. I do make sure to leave a wee wee pad out just in case. She has used them a few times, but goes there all the time, no mess. 
 I don't keep her in a crate at all, she really enjoys sitting on my couch. I leave her with a blanket, toys and giant flavored chips for her to chew on. I also make sure I leave a light on since it's starting to get dark a lot earlier and though she doesn't really need it, I like to leave the TV on for her. I feel that helps with separation anxiety. :)

 I will say she loves sleeping close to a human. for the past week she has been sleeping with me on my bed under the blankets. She is a heavy sleeper and does not get up in the middle of the night to bark or for the restroom at all. She  likes sleeping in too, but gets up early when needed. She is very sweet and loving. When sitting n a couch she enjoys sitting next to me to watch TV, she puts her head on my lap and watches with me. She is truly a little angel and very easy to fall in love with. All my friends adore her, even the ones that are not pet friendly. She is very social, I take her everywhere I can and she behaves. She goes out for coffee with me and she will just sit on a chair and at times fall a sleep. Super easy to care for. :) Please make sure this person will love her and treat her the same way. She deserves so much! :) Let me know if you need anything else.

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